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Come Children; It’s Halloween!

Come out, young children, come out to play; 

There’s treats and candy for you today. 

Dress up as a princess or dress as a ghoul,

Put your worries away, we’re not at school. 

Fantasy swirls in the air tonight.

The moon looks down glowing big and bright.

Gather your baskets to fill up on sweets, 

Remember to always say thank you and please. 

Laughter is heard, but cackles too

 As a scream is released from a fightful, “BOO!” 

Now, come now, children, gather at my house. 

No need to step quietly as a mouse.

Come closer and knock upon my door, 

For I have been waiting for you to explore. 

Don’t be frightened, the candles are lit; 

The blood on the walls isn’t really that thick. 

The bones in the jars have been dead for ages, 

And the eyes on the book are just looking at pages. 

Ignore the green ooze that covers the floor; 

Don’t mind the moaning ghost in all of his gore. 

Step over that severed arm and be sure not to trip, 

A death that quick just wouldn’t be nice, would it? 

Come closer, my dears, not too close to the fire, 

Peer into my cauldron and you will find your greatest desire. 

That’s it. Look closely and you’ll find what you seek. 

Maybe there’s candy at the bottom-- take a peek! 

Do you see it there, under all the mist? 

Go on and grab it, and try not to miss! 

That’s right, go on in and take the DIVE! 

Oh joy, how great, you’re in my pot now. 

I’ve been aching for children soup, but didn’t know how. 

The poison acts quickly so time to stir up the pot;

I’ve got to make sure the soup is good and hot. 

At long last, my skin will grow softer and new;

My hair gets back its color and is bouncier, too. 

I feel glorious and young once more, 

Now to find more children to spellbound at my door. 

Thank you kind children, I enjoyed your youth. 

Come back again and visit, forsooth.


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