Email Us: aspiringauthors@alphapublisher.com.
Call Us: 804-892-4569.
Babyface Plan
Here at Alpha Book Publisher,
We strive to be the Uber of the Book Publishing World.
That's why most of our services are offered at discounts well below industry-pricing, some of which you won't find anywhere books are published.
Digital Formatting / Distribution (E-Book)
Digital Formatting and Distribution is a structuring of your book’s block and cover for multiple digital devices on the market. Once your book has been digitally formatted, it can be downloaded to a digital device that allows the buyer to adjust the font size and more for readability.
Alpha Book Publisher will format and submit your ePub file for the Amazon Kindle, Google Play Books, and other distribution channels (which is available on the iPhone and iPad application).
Image Insertions:
Do you have illustrations, sketches and color images that will help enhance the look of your color book.
When you take advantage of this Alpha Book Publisher service, you can add more than twice the number of image insertions than our nearest competitors.
Amazon Distribution
Once you publish with us, your book will be available through retailers such as Amazon and Google Books.
Why Distribution Matters
Channel distribution enables your book to be ordered by and distributed to online booksellers and retailers around the world. This allows you to reach a wide audience and compete in the book marketplace.
If your publishing goals include more than giving away copies of your book to friends and family, book distribution is essential. Although it may sometimes be possible to sell directly to bookstores, booksellers prefer dealing with wholesalers and distributors rather than entering into transactions with individual authors.
Google Books Distribution
Once you publish with us, your book will be available through retailers such as Amazon and Google Books.
Why Distribution Matters
Channel distribution enables your book to be ordered by and distributed to online booksellers and retailers around the world. This allows you to reach a wide audience and compete in the book marketplace.
If your publishing goals include more than giving away copies of your book to friends and family, book distribution is essential. Although it may sometimes be possible to sell directly to bookstores, booksellers prefer dealing with wholesalers and distributors rather than entering into transactions with individual authors.
Google-Search Optimized Website
If you happened to have purchased a Deluxe Website from Authorhouse or Hapercollins,
what you get is only one year of domain and website hosting.
What happens after the first year of hosting has passed? You will be responsible for paying a yearly site hosting and domain name renewal fee for as long as you want your website to be available on the Internet.
At Alpha Book Publisher, we service our clients much differently.
First, we will never charge you an initial setup fee.
Second, you will never have to pay for annual hosting and domain name fees.
And third, your website is optimized to rank for Google a lot quicker because it is hosted by Google.
Keyword here? Hosted by Google - meaning your potential readers will find you rather easily.
Plus, the site is forever yours!