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Carmen Martinez Sanchez was born in Camas (Seville) in 1964. She is a civil servant, journalist and

writer, proofreader, specialized in communication institutional, protocol, political marketing and management of public relations. PhD in Communication from the University of Seville, where she has taught Protocol classes as a Guest Professor.

To date, she has published informative essays in editions collectives, as well as her work “The Protocol” as a tool for communication strategy. A historical constant and current case study (2009). Additionally, Carmen obtained the Prize Blas Infante of Study and Research on Administration and Public Management, granted by the Andalusian Institute of Public Administration (XIII edition).

Her intellectual and spiritual restlessness has led her to investigate the field of Leadership and Personal Growth. In her search for greater inner well-being, serenity, peace, mental and personal freedom, Carmen offers us this new book that allows us to see this old world in a more compassionate light full of joy and love.

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